


Vážený pane/vážená paní,

dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na Networking event pořádaný v rámci projektu “FOOD Quality in Digital Age” financovaného Mezinárodním visegradským fondem. Hlavním cílem akce je prezentace inovativních metod pro hodnocení kvality potravin (3D tisk potravin, nedestruktivní analytické metody, systém počítačového vidění, elektronické oko, analýza povrchu a texturních/reologických vlastností potravin) a networkingové aktivity s partnerskými univerzitami. Tématem MENDELU týmu v tomto projektu je 3D tisk potravin.


Dear Sir/Madam,

we are glad to invite you to the Networking Event within the project “FOOD Quality in Digital Age” funded by the International Visegrad Fund. The objective of the event is the presentation of the innovative food quality evaluation methods (such as 3D food printing, non-destructive analytical methods, computer vision system, electronic eye, Surface analysis and textural/rheological properties of food product) and networking with Partner universities. The topic of the Mendel University‘s team in this project is 3D Food printing.

Presentations of Partners:

  • Prof. Kovacs (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences) – Non-destructive analytical techniques for food quality determination
  • Prof. Miocinovic (University of Belgrade, Serbia) – European Excellence in dairy learning
  • Prof. Sołowiej (University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland) – Traditional and regional foods products from Poland
  • MSc. Jana Štefaniková, PhD. (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra) – Research activity of AgroBioTech Centre in Nitra

Time and place: 28th February, 13:00 -18:00 p.m., building M, 2nd floor, M2.12

Please confirm your participation by e-mail:

The project “FOOD Quality in Digital Age” is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.


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