Poultry, Minilivestock and Texture Lab
The Poultry and Minority Products Quality and Texture Laboratory is dedicated to the quality of poultry meat, eggs of various species and their products and the use of innovative raw materials for food production (insect products, etc.). It also deals with the determination of the mechanical properties of food and agricultural raw materials in relation to their quality (meat and meat products, dairy products, chocolate, vegetables, fruit, bakery products, pasta, etc.).
Publications on wos
successfully defended bachelor theses
successfully defended diploma theses
subjects taught
doc. Ing. Šárka Nedomová, Ph.D.
I am a graduate of the Master’s degree programme Chemistry and Food Technology and the PhD programme Properties and Processing of Agricultural Materials and Products at MENDELU. Since 2002 I have been working at the Department of Food Technology at the Faculty of Food Technology, MENDELU, and in 2012 I completed the habilitation procedure in the field of Processing of Agricultural Products. I am a guarantor of the Bachelor’s degree programme Food Technology.
h-index: 14
- TIRATEST 27 025 (TIRA Maschinenbau GmbH) for the determination of mechanical properties of food and agricultural products with a range of attachments and probes applicable to foods of different shapes, sizes and consistencies. The instrument is used both for the determination of the textural properties of foodstuffs, which are important for the evaluation of the quality of the foodstuff by the consumer, and for the determination of the mechanical stress behaviour of foodstuffs with relevance for storage, transport and processing of foodstuffs. The apparatus is capable of performing both compression and tensile tests. Tests performed include Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) for determining e.g. tenderness of meat, consistency of cheese during maturation, consistency of meat products; Warner-Bratzler knife with both straight and V-shaped knife for determining texture of meat – especially for evaluation of beef maturation, for determining texture of sausage type meat products; Kramer cell for determining properties of e.g. Kramer’s knife for determining the properties of pasta, cereals, for small fruits, vegetables both in raw and preserved state using a combination of squeezing, cutting and extrusion; MORS knife for determining the tenderness of raw poultry meat; three-point bend for determining the properties of biscuits, breadsticks, brittle breads, determining the strength of bones; penetration probes of various diameters and terminations for determining the properties of fruit – the strength of peel and flesh, baked goods; tensile tests for determining the properties of peels and membranes, the strength of cheese slices, salami; compression for determining the strength of eggshell of various types of eggs, the properties of raw and cooked potatoes and many others. The methods can also be applied to the measurement of non-food products – the strength of packaging, composites and other materials.
- laboratory equipment for determining the quality of poultry and minority products
Vybrané publikace za posledních 5 let:
Nedomová, Šárka, Trnka, Jan, Kouřilová, Veronika, Dufková, Renáta, Votava, Jiř, Hřivna, Luděk, Kumbár, Vojtěch, Buchar, Jaroslav
Acoustic properties and low strain rate behavior of different types of chocolate. 2023. International Journal of Food Properties. 26(1), 842–854. ISSN 1094-2912.
KOMPRDA, T., JŮZL, M., MATEJOVIČOVÁ, M., PIECHOWICZOVÁ, M., POPELKOVÁ, V., VYMAZALOVÁ, P., NEDOMOVÁ, Š., LEVÁ, L. Fatty acid composition, oxidative stability, and sensory evaluation of the sausages produced from the meat of pigs fed a diet enriched with 8% of fish oil. Journal of Food Science. 2021, 86(6), 2312-2326. ISSN 0022-1147.
HŘIVNA, L., MACHÁLKOVÁ, L., BUREŠOVÁ, I., NEDOMOVÁ, Š., GREGOR, T. Texture, color, and sensory changes occurring in chocolate bars with filling during storage. Food Science & Nutrition. 2021, 9(9), 4863-4873. ISSN 2048-7177.
PŘIDAL, A., TRÁVNÍČEK, P., KUDĚLKA, J., NEDOMOVÁ, Š., ONDRUŠÍKOVÁ, S., TROST, D., KUMBÁR, V. A Rheological Analysis of Biomaterial Behaviour as a Tool to Detect the Dilution of Heather Honey. Materials. 14(10), 2472. ISSN 1996-1944.
TOMASEVIC, I., NOVAKOVIC, S., SOLOWIEJ, B., ZDOLEC, N., SKUNCA, D., KROCKO, M., NEDOMOVA, S., KOLAJ, R., ALEKSIEV, G., DJEKIC, I., a kol. Consumers‘ perceptions, attitudes and perceived quality of game meat in ten European countries. Meat Science. 2018, 142(August), 5–13. ISSN 0309-1740.
KOMPRDA, T., PŘIDAL, A., MIKULÍKOVÁ, R., SVOBODA, Z., CWIKOVÁ, O., NEDOMOVÁ, Š., SÝKORA, V. A combination of additives can synergically decrease acrylamide content in gingerbread without compromising sensory quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2017, 97(3), 889-895. ISSN 0022-5142.