Foodborne Pathogen Lab

The Food Safety and Microbiology Laboratory focuses on the detection of biological and chemical hazards that are relevant to ensuring the safety, quality and sustainable production of food. Food provides an ideal environment for the growth and multiplication of microorganisms that can cause alimentary diseases. The laboratory carries out testing of food, raw materials, packaging and materials that come into direct contact with food.

Microbiological diagnostics involves the cultivation of samples, identification of infectious agents and, where appropriate, the determination of antibiotic susceptibility. A new direction of research activities is to monitor the safety and shelf-life of substitutes (alternatives) for meat and dairy products and other products, in line with the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy. A new focus is also on the safety of edible food packaging and, where appropriate, the antimicrobial properties of such packaging.

years of experience in a microbiology laboratory

subjects taught

successfully defended Diploma Theses

successfully defended Bachelor Theses

What we offer


Cooperation with companies in projects related to the state subsidy policy.


laboratory practices, methodologies of procedures in microbiological food analysis, interpretation of lab results. analyses, creation of HACCP manual, Sanit. and operating regulations of food companies.


Collaboration related to the development and modification of food recipes.


Cooperation in solving students‘ qualification works


Courses for companies, state institutions and the professional public. Re-qualification course of the Ministry of Education and Science: brewing and malting in Moravia.

doc. MVDr. Olga Cwiková, Ph.D.

doc. MVDr. Olga Cwiková, Ph.D.
Building N: FoodTech Department

I am the head of the Foodborne Pathogen Lab and have been working at FoodTech since 2003. I lecture in several FoodTech courses and conduct tutorials. I also lecture for U3V MENDELU in Brno, LF MUNI Food Hygiene, SZPI, Union of the Deaf and in the retraining course Brewing and Malting in Moravia. I supervised 40 bachelor and 37 diploma theses, which were successfully defended.

In my scientific practice, I focus on the issues of alimentary hazards in food, food adulteration and quality, hygiene of production facilities and the effectiveness of sanitation. I am the author or co-author of 8 publications published in the Web of Science database, 10 publications published in the SCOPUS database, 19 scientific publications and 18 lectures and papers at national or international conferences.

In the program of support for gifted students (SOČ) I have led 10 students, with success at regional, national and international level. I am also involved in the organization of the competition „Regional Food of the South Moravian Region“.



  • Identification of sources and routes of spread of non-/pathogenic bacteria (culture method, PCR method), in particular Salmonella spp, Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter spp. E. coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus.
  • Testing of new materials used in the food industry for easy and efficient sanitation (culture methods).
  • The influence of the technology used on the microbiological quality of raw materials and foodstuffs, including the possibility of influencing microbial contamination (radiation treatment, lyophilization).
  • Determination of changes in mycotoxin content by ELISA in food raw materials and foodstuffs.
  • Safety and shelf-life of 3D printed foods.
  • Safety and shelf-life of food packaged in „edible packing“.

Types of tests

  • Detection of non-/pathogenic microorganisms: permission of the KHS for work with biological agents (bacteria of group 2, according to Decree 361/2007, Coll.).
  • Determination of mycotoxins by ELISA method (SÚJB permit).


The Foodborne Pathogen Lab is well equipped to teach practical exercises in subjects related to food safety.


  • Homogenizer Bag Mixer (BioméRieux, France);
  • Sanyo-Labo Autoclave Steam Sterilizer (Schoeller Instruments, s.r.o., Czech Republic);
  • Gallenkamp chamber thermostat (Schoeller Instruments, s.r.o., Czech Republic);
  • Sanyo Incubator Chamber Thermostat (Schoeller Instruments, s.r.o., CR).
  • Lumitester PD 20
  • Microscope BX 41 (Intracomicro)
  • Biohazard box (Steril – VBM)
  • CO2 incubator form Direct Heat with (Trigon plus)
  • Centrifuge EBA 12b.rotHTC1000 (VERKON)
  • Tefcold UR 200 S cooling cabinet (Tefcold)
  • Water bath NB-301L (Julabo TW20)
  • Incubated shaker V-1plusPersona
  • McFarland Densitometer (BIOSAN)




LANGOVÁ R., JŮZL M., CWIKOVÁ O., KOS I., 2020: Effect of Different Method of Drying of Five Varieties Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) on the Bunch Stem on Physicochemical, Microbiological, and Sensory Quality. Foods, 9(9): 1183, ISSN 2304-8158. URL:

CWIKOVÁ O., FRANKE G., 2020: Influence of different storage conditions on the occurrence of enterococci in smear ripened cheeses. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 14(1): 1131–1136.

PYTEL R., CWIKOVÁ O., ONDRUŠÍKOVÁ S., NEDOMOVÁ Š., KUMBÁR V., 2018: Effect of additives to microbiological quality of yogurts. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 12(1): 186–194.

ONDRUŠÍKOVÁ S., NEDOMOVÁ Š., PYTEL R., CWIKOVÁ O., KUMBÁR V., 2018: Effect of different storage times on japanese quail egg quality characteristics. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 12(1): 560–565.

KOMPRDA T., PŘIDAL A., MIKULÍKOVÁ R., SVOBODA Z., CWIKOVÁ O., NEDOMOVÁ Š., SÝKORA V., 2017: A combination of additives can synergically decrease acrylamide content in Gingerbread without compromising sensory quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97(3): 89–895. ISSN 0022-5142.

CWIKOVÁ O., PYTEL R., 2017: Evaluation of rabbit meat microbiota from the viewpoint of marketing method. Potravinárstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 11(1):391–397.

CWIKOVÁ O., 2016: Microbiological evaluation of fish. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 10(1): 407–412.

CWIKOVÁ O., 2015: Microbiological quality of smear-ripened cheeses stored in different temperature regimes. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 9(1): 403–410.

CWIKOVÁ O., PAVLÍKOVÁ H., ANSORGOVÁ A., 2015: Detection of honey adulteration using HPLC method. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 9(1):388–392.

KOMPRDA T., DOHNAL V., CWIKOVÁ O., 2014: Chromatographic determination of biogenic amines and polyamines in ripening cheeses. Chemické listy, 108(12): 1140–1144.

CWIKOVÁ O., 2014: Toxic effects of acrylamide and its occurrence in food. Chemické listy, 108(3): 205–210.

CWIKOVÁ O., NEDOMOVÁ Š., 2014: Microbiological quality of egg liquid products. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 8(1): 114–118.

JAROŠOVÁ A., CWIKOVÁ O., 2014 : The influence of storage method on the sensory characteristics of smear-ripened cheese. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Science, 3(3): p. 18–21. ISSN 1338-5178. URL:

ŠOTTNÍKOVÁ V., HŘIVNA L., JŮZL M., CWIKOVÁ O., 2014: The difference in color and sensory organic quality wine and wine from conventional cultivation. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Science, 9(2): 285–288. ISSN 1338-5178.

CWIKOVÁ O., MIKULÍKOVÁ R., SVOBODA Z., 2014: Stanovení akrylamidu ve vybraných potravinách. Úroda, 12 (vědecká příloha): 457–461. ISSN 0139-6013.

CWIKOVÁ O., 2013: Mikrobiologická jakost těstovinových a zeleninových salátů. Úroda, 12 (vědecká příloha časopisu): 376–379. ISSN 0139-6013.

NEDOMOVÁ Š., SIMEONOVOVÁ J., CWIKOVÁ O., BUCHAR J., 2012: Hodnocení vybraných jakostních znaků těstovin. Úroda, 12(vědecká příloha časopisu): 431–434. ISSN 0139-6013.

CWIKOVÁ O., 2012: Mikrobiologická jakost luštěninových salátů. Úroda, 12 (vědecká příloha časopisu): 399–403. ISSN 0139-6013.

KALHOTKA L., CWIKOVÁ O., ČÍRTKOVÁ V., MATOUŠOVÁ Z., PŘICHYSTALOVÁ J., 2012: Changes in counts of microorganisms and biogenic amines production during the manufacture of fermented sausages Poličan. The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 2(2) 667–683.

GREGOR T., FEIGERL L., ŠUSTA J., LOS J., CWIKOVÁ O., 2011: Problematika gushingu ve sladovně Rajhrad. Úroda, 12(vědecká příloha): 467–470. ISSN: 0139-6013.

CWIKOVÁ O., 2011: Mikrobiologická kvalita mouky používané pro výrobu pekařských produktů. Úroda, 12(vědecká příloha): 463–467. ISSN: 0139-6013.

CWIKOVÁ O., ZORNÍKOVÁ G., DVOŘÁČKOVÁ S., 2011: Detekce probiotických mikroorganismů ve fermentovaných mléčných výrobcích. Potravinárstvo, 5(1): 345–348. ISSN: 1337-0960.

CWIKOVÁ O., GREGOR T., KOUBKOVÁ H., 2011: Detekce aflatoxinu B1 ve vybraných potravinách Elisa metodou. Potravinárstvo, 5(mimořádné číslo): 117–122. ISSN: 1337-0960.

CWIKOVÁ O., GREGOR T., ŠOTTNÍKOVÁ V., MAŠKOVÁ H., 2010: Antimikrobiální aktivita koření. Potravinárstvo, 4(1): 381–386. ISSN: 1338-0230.

ŠOTTNÍKOVÁ V., CWIKOVÁ O., KRÁLOVÁ L., 2010: Hodnocení kvality vín v České republice. Potravinárstvo, 4(2): 69–74. ISSN: 1338-0230.

KOMPRDA T., BURDYCHOVÁ R., DOHNAL V., CWIKOVÁ O., SLADKOVÁ, P., 2008: Some factors influencing biogenic amines and polyamines content in Dutch-type semi-hard cheese. European Food Research and Technology, 227(1): 29–36.

KOMPRDA T., BURDYCHOVÁ R., DOHNAL V., CWIKOVÁ O., SLADKOVÁ P., DVORAČKOVÁ H., 2008: Tyramine production in Dutch-type semi-hard cheese from two different producers. Food Microbiology, 25(2): 219–227.

CWIKOVÁ O., NEDOMOVÁ Š., 2007: The influence of ripening of Olomouc cheese on its sensory and texture properties. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 55(5): 45–50.

CWIKOVÁ O., DOHNAL V., KOMPRDA T., 2007: Microbiological aspects of biogenic amines formation in ripening cheeses. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 55(4): 23–27.