Dairy Pilot Plant
We deal with the use of milk for the production of dairy products – sour milk products, various groups of cheese, butter and ice cream. We use different types of coagulants and rennets in the production of cheese, and enrich the resulting products with different types of crops, extracts and oils. We monitor changes in the storage process of dairy products and the possibilities of extending shelf life.
The dairy pilot plant is currently preparing for registration under current legislation. More information here.We deal with the use of milk for the production of dairy products – sour milk products, various groups of cheese, butter and ice cream. We use different types of coagulants and rennets in the production of cheese, and enrich the resulting products with different types of crops, extracts and oils. We monitor changes in the storage process of dairy products and the possibilities of extending shelf life.The dairy semi-operation is currently preparing for registration under current legislation. More information here.
cheese recipescheese recipes
litres of milk
for processing
(70l pasteur)litres of milk
for processing
(70l pasteur)
currently solved diploma thesescurrently solved diploma theses
Intergenerational University programmes
Ing. Jana Zemanová, Ph.D.
Office: building M, Department of Food Technology
- butters, yoghurts
- ice creams
- fresh cheeses
- steamed cheeses
- ripened cheeses
- Ústav agrochemie, půdoznalství, mikrobiologie a výživy rostlin – doc. Kalhotka, Ing. Seidlová
- Ústav morfologie, fyziologie a genetiky zvířat – doc. Havlíček
- Ústav chovu a šlechtění zvířat – doc. Falta
- Ústav pěstování, šlechtění rostlin a rostlinolékařství – Dr. Pluháčková
The dairy pilot plant is equipped with a boiler pasteurizer with temperature control, enabling pasteurization of 20 to 70 litres of milk, four temperature- and humidity-controlled ripening boxes, a vaccination box and an ice cream maker. The equipment enables model production of various types of cheese, butter, fermented dairy products (yoghurt, kefir, sour milk and cream) and ice cream not only in the context of teaching, but especially in the context of research, development and innovation of selected dairy products;
The dairy semi-operation is followed by a laboratory equipped for the determination of basic physical and chemical parameters not only of milk and dairy products.The dairy semi-operation is equipped with a boiler pasteurizer with temperature control, enabling pasteurization of 20 to 70 litres of milk, four temperature- and humidity-controlled ripening boxes, a vaccination box and an ice cream maker. The equipment enables model production of various types of cheese, butter, fermented dairy products (yoghurt, kefir, sour milk and cream) and ice cream not only in the context of teaching, but especially in the context of research, development and innovation of selected dairy products;The dairy semi-operation is followed by a laboratory equipped for the determination of basic physical and chemical parameters not only of milk and dairy products.
- Projekt IP B MENDELU 8.1.6 Rozšíření praktické výuky v mlékařském poloprovozu
- PRV GP Kozí program
- Igráček – SGC-2021-017 The possibilities of using modern detection methods in the control and monitoring of the occurrence of hygienically important microorganisms in the environment of production and processing of food raw materials and food of animal origin
- AF-IGA2022-IP-021 Hodnocení jakosti kysele srážených sýrů vyrobených pomocí netypických srážedel