Bakery Pilot Plant

The Bakery Pilot Plant (bakery semi-operation) is designed for practical exercises of full-time students, for fulfilling assignments of diploma and doctoral theses, but also for recipe development in cooperation with the commercial sector. The semi-factory can produce bread, common pastries, fine and fried pastries and pasta.

varieties of winter food wheat (CO-OPERATOR)varieties of winter food wheat (CO-OPERATOR)

utility models (co-author)utility models (co-author)

successfully defended Diploma Thesessuccessfully defended Diploma Theses

successfully defended Bachelor Thesessuccessfully defended Bachelor Theses

What we offer


Cooperation with companies in projects related to the state subsidy policy.


Collaboration related to the development and adaptation of food recipes.
(reformulation of nutritional quality, sustainability, traditional and regional products).


Cooperation in solving students‘ qualification works

Ing. Veronika Šťepánková, Ph.D.

Ing. Veronika Šťepánková, Ph.D.
Building N: Department of Food Technology


The bakery semi-operation itself starts with a cold storage of flour and other bakery raw materials. The flour is brought into the bakery area from the warehouse by means of a stainless steel ruddle. Bakery Pilot Plant is used for production of bread, regular and fine pastries. There is a flour sifter, dough kneader, mixer, rolling machine with  divider and  roll forming machine.

The kneading machine is used for maturing the dough and then for rising the shaped pieces of dough (wedges).

To bake the products there are 2 ovens – a baking oven and a rotary oven, which is accessed by a trolley with sheets on which the products are mounted.

New recipes are tested, e.g. with the addition of bran and other grain products than wheat and rye. Baked products are evaluated according to binding methodologies (volume on a volumetric gauge, yield and baking losses), including sensory evaluation.The bakery semi-operation itself starts with a cold storage of flour and other bakery raw materials. The flour is brought into the bakery area from the warehouse by means of a stainless steel ruddle. Bakery Pilot Plant is used for production of bread, regular and fine pastries. There is a flour sifter, dough kneader, mixer, rolling machine with  divider and  roll forming machine.The kneading machine is used for maturing the dough and then for rising the shaped pieces of dough (wedges).To bake the products there are 2 ovens – a baking oven and a rotary oven, which is accessed by a trolley with sheets on which the products are mounted.New recipes are tested, e.g. with the addition of bran and other grain products than wheat and rye. Baked products are evaluated according to binding methodologies (volume on a volumetric gauge, yield and baking losses), including sensory evaluation.


Below is a list of the most commonly produced cereal products. Bakery production is carried out under legislatively established and controlled conditions in the teaching of subjects for various AF disciplines or in experimental production as part of students‘ qualification work or special-purpose production (publicity of the faculty and the university). Images can be found in the photo gallery.

  • academic roll
  • poppy seed
  • soya cube
  • whole wheat cubeacademic rollpoppy seedsoya cubewhole wheat cube


In 2018, we entered our Academic roll and Makovka in the competition for the best food product of the South Moravian Region together with other food products. The product took part in the Regional Food competition announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Taste of South Moravia competition announced by the Regional Agrarian Chamber of Brno. The product passed the evaluation and was awarded the Flavour of South Moravia 2018 (MENDEL press release) (link to akcr) (link to kisjm).

In 2021, we entered both Akademický rohlík and Makovka in the Taste of South Moravia competition. This product refers to the centenary of our alma mater, to which we have made a significant contribution as part of the celebrations in 2019, and this product is an outcome of them.In 2018, we entered our Academic roll and Makovka in the competition for the best food product of the South Moravian Region together with other food products. The product took part in the Regional Food competition announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Taste of South Moravia competition announced by the Regional Agrarian Chamber of Brno. The product passed the evaluation and was awarded the Flavour of South Moravia 2018 (MENDEL press release) (link to akcr) (link to kisjm).In 2021, we entered both Akademický rohlík and Makovka in the Taste of South Moravia competition. This product refers to the centenary of our alma mater, to which we have made a significant contribution as part of the celebrations in 2019, and this product is an outcome of them.



The Bakery Pilot Plant is well equipped for teaching students in the field of cereal quality analysis and production of cereal products(see Equipment), but also for educational courses under the auspices of the Institute or ICV MENDELU:


Jsme vybaveni následujícími zařízeními:

  • holes (3) for kneading the dough according to the weight of the cereal ingredients used,leavening plant,bunk furnace,rotary kiln,dough divider,rolling pin,bagel maker,pasta press with 4 different types of nuts,pasta dryer,cream and ice cream maker

In the area of the production workshops, in addition to the above-mentioned equipment, there are:

  • equipment for measuring the volumetric mass of experimental products,shocker for rapid cooling of the products,flour sifter,sufficient working space for students‘ practical activities.

By being registered as a bakery, we can market our products through a local outlet, which is the SKM MENDELU canteen.




Publications made by or directly related to the bakery team.

Jimp a Jsc

Nurgozhina, Zh.K., Shansharova, D.A., Sottnikova, V., Saidov, A.M., Yesseyeva, G.K. The research of the bread quality of high nutritional value using grain mixtures. 2020, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology13(11), pp. 3667-367

Šottníková, V., Langová, R., Hřivna, L., Nedomová, Š., Juzl, M. Quality of biscuits as affected by addition of fibre, 2019, Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences. 13(1), pp. 206-211.

Maco, R.  Hrivna, L.  Neradova,V. Dufkova, R., Sottnikova, V.,   Gregor, T., Cerkal, R., Belcredi, NB.,  Prokesova, L.,  Pilatova, A. The effect of seed treating in growth-promoting substances on malting barley root system size and formation of yield components

26th International PhD, Students Conference for Undergraduate and Postgraduate (MendelNet)


The comparison of the effect of added amaranth, buckwheat, chickpea, corn, millet and quinoa flour on rice dough rheological characteristics, textural and sensory quality of bread. Buresova, I; Tokar, M; (…); Sottnikova, V. May 2017 | JOURNAL OF CEREAL SCIENCE 75 , pp.158-164

Gregor, T., Hřivna, L., Šottníková, V., 2020. Cereální sladové müsli tyčinky. Užitný vzor č. 34604. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví Praha.
Gregor, T., Hřivna, L., Šottníková, V., 2020. Nápoj z ovesného sladu. Užitný vzor č. 34387. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví Praha.
Gregor, T., Šottníková, V., Hřivna, L., 2020. Nealkoholické pivo ze žitného sladu. Užitný vzor č. 33840. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví Praha.
Hřivna, L., Gregor, T., Šottníková, V., Maco, R., 2020. Možnosti využití látek regulujících velikost zrna sladovnického ječmene a jeho složení.  Uplatněná certifikovaná metodika. Číslo UKZUZ 011729/2020  ISBN 978-80-7509-699-9
Hřivna, L., Šottníková, V., Gregor, T., 2020. Běžné pečivo s přídavkem pivovarského mláta. Užitný vzor č. 34252. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví Praha.
Hřivna, L., Šottníková, V., Gregor, T., 2020. Běžné pečivo s přídavkem žitného sladu. Užitný vzor č. 34254. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví Praha.                
Hřivna, L., Šottníková, V., Gregor, T., 2020. Běžné pečivo s přídavkem sladového květu.  
ŠOTTNÍKOVÁ, V., HŘIVNA, L., GREGOR, T. 2018. Bezlepkové trvanlivé pečivo z pohankové mouky. Užitný vzor č. 31561. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví Praha.
ŠOTTNÍKOVÁ, V., HŘIVNA, L., GREGOR, T. 2018. Trvanlivé pečivo z pšeničné mouky. Užitný vzor č. 31562. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví Praha.
ŠOTTNÍKOVÁ, V., HŘIVNA, L., GREGOR, T. 2015. Bezlepkové rýžové těstoviny s přídavkem vlákniny a barviva z přírodních surovin. Užitný vzor č. 28152. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví Praha  